Export Contact Information produces the file contact.tsv. Export Card Holders produces the file cardhdr.tsv. The following screenshot is from TSWIN and displays the work of its owner, not my own.ġ. TsWin's File Menu lists several Exportable files that JwContacts can import when "zipped" into a single group:

A list of Service Groups, but only by sequential number, NOT by any kind of name. Each Family's Additional Contact Person (Emergency Contact)ĥ. Congregation's Monthly Field Service ReportĤ. Of these two programs, TsWin it seems covers a narrower data area, is far less graphical, and is used primarily to assist a Secretary in preparing:ġ. If a member of your Body is already using either of these, you may wish to begin with an import from his data.Ī. An Initial New Congregation import begins a series of actions, ending with an entire set of Primary Congregation data ready for your use.Īt least two unrelated, third-party Windows Desktop Applications ( Kingdom Hall Schedules (KHS) or TsWin ) can export at least some of the required data in forms JwContacts can import.